January Highlights
We usually expect business to slow down a little bit in January, but it was cold and people needed books! We were so happy to still be busy after the holidays! Last month brought a new item to the shop - loose leaf teas from Chapters Tea and Coffee. Our staff has tried several flavors and can promise that they are all delicious, high-quality teas. We also started another mystery book promo that we like to call "Love At First Sentence". These wrapped romances feature a little card that tells the first sentence of the book, a little blurb about it, and the spice rating so that you aren't surprised. Readers are having so much fun with it!
Current Promotions
On Saturday, Feb. 10, we will be welcoming local author and musician J.R. Barnes to the shop. Join us as we celebrate Barnes's two novels, "Sailing Home" and "The Blue Rose". Attendees will enjoy a reading by the author, a question/answer session, complimentary refreshments, and the opportunity to purchase signed copies of the books. Tickets are free, but seating is limited. Click here to register: https://ticketbud.com/events/83b86230-b48c-11ee-ad94-42010a71702b
One lucky couple will win the chance to dine in Wheatberry Books for Valentine's Day. The date will include a delicious meal (drinks and dessert included) from The Pour House at Machinery Hall in the charming setting of Wheatberry Books. We will also include a 20% discount on any purchase made at the bookstore during the date. Click this link to enter to win: https://www.wheatberrybooks.com/date-in-a-bookstore. The winner will be announced the week before Valentine's Day and the date will take place on Saturday, February 17 at 6:30pm.
Local author Wes Molebash is once again teaming up with Wheatberry Books to offer readers the opportunity to preorder signed copies of his second graphic novel "Travis Daventhorpe Powers Up!" releasing on March 19, 2024. The first graphic novel in the series, "Travis Daventhorpe For The Win!" was our top selling book in 2023, and we would love to help Wes achieve that success again. Click here to preorder your copy: https://www.wesmolebash.com/preorder
Upcoming Events
Saturday 2/3 - Storytime at 1:30
Saturday 2/10, 6-8pm, An Evening With Author J.R. Barnes
Monday 2/26, 7pm, Nonfiction Book Club meets
Wednesday 2/28, 7pm, Fiction Book Club meets
March 15-17, Spring Downtown Open House
February Book Club Information
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In our "Back to School Book Club", members voted to read Toni Morrison's "The Bluest Eye" for February. We will meet to discuss this classic work on Wednesday February 28 at 7pm in the shop.
As our Nonfiction Book Club "considers the essay", we will read Mary Oliver's "Upstream" this month. We will meet to discuss this book in the shop on Monday February 26 at 7pm.
Selected titles are always available in the shop for 15% off during the month that we are reading them.
Bookseller Recommendation
Luann recommends "The Whispers" by Ashley Audrain.
"I love suspense fiction, and "The Whispers" kept me guessing until the very end. This drama involves four families who live in the same neighborhood and enjoy each other's company.
During one specific backyard gathering, the group overhears a very intense moment between a mother and son that makes everyone extremely uncomfortable. This moment is never mentioned, everyone just tucking it away in the back of their minds. Months later the child is rushed to the emergency room after having fallen from his bedroom window.
In the days following the accident, his mother sits by his bedside. She doesn't move. The child is in a coma, and unable to speak. The big question is - how is it possible that he fell from an upstairs window? As the neighborhood tries to figure out how this could happen, the whispering begins. Secrets are revealed in almost every conversation.
With themes of friendship, marriage, and envy, this novel does not fail to bring it all to the surface. The unexpected twists on nearly every page had me glued to this book, and the very last line was a stunner!"
You can find "The Whispsers" by Ashley Audrain at Wheatberry Books.